How has Lyme Disease affected your life? What inspires you?
Lyme disease made me realize to never take anything for granted, it taught me to value my health and how important it really is. I’ve truly become a whole new person, I miss the old me terribly. I’ve went from an active 26 yo living & loving life freely to a person who feels like they’re dying in pain scared to death living in the dark. I’ve had this disease bartonella included for many of years without knowing which scared me even more upon being diagnosed, everyday through my treatments I pray to the Lord for healing, faith, and hope. One good thing lyme&Co’s gave me is my soulmate John, he battles as much as I do with such strength. Thank you Facebook support page “Beating Bartonella” for such a wonderful man. Thank you lifeinlymelight to allow me to share this right now, spreading awareness is so crucial for many, and I hope for a cure and a speedy recovery for all that suffer, and also peace for all of the lives lost to this horrible illness. God bless. XOXO
“This to shall pass.”
Lyme ribbons to represent all who suffer, all who we lost, and all for those that need help.