How has Lyme Disease affected your life? What inspires you?
At 23, El went on the road trip of a lifetime. But she came back with more than just memories, and a tick bite took away her 24. The worst part is, it nearly took her life, too.
When she flew home last December, she had random symptoms. A pain in her leg she thought was a DVT. By April, she had meningitis (now known to be Lyme Encephalitis) She rapidly went downhill day by day. More symptoms emerging by the minute.
We lost control. Blood pooling in her feet, making her faint – writhing in agony, slowly losing the use of her legs, full use of her brain, her organs were attacked and by the time the infection reached her heart – she nearly lost her fight with this harrowing disease.
She’s lay in a dark room 24/7 for most of 2017 – only moving to be carried to the bathroom and even that was too much for her. She lost over 2 stone from sickness. She toughed it out for a year, scan after scan, test after test, trying her hardest to survive each day. She’s been forced to face fears and pain that no one ever should.
Last week, she was referred to a specialist. They took one look at her and El was admitted for urgent treatment – IV medication twice a day. We’re praying it works – but it took her getting this severe for someone to treat her properly. The cardiologist was surprised she survived the VT. The physio said she may never walk again. The dietician thinks she needs a feeding tube. The consultant said to ‘let go of the person she was 12 months ago’. Last week brought more pain. Life changing news. But she is still here.
This year, El got a PICC line into her chest for Christmas – she was given a chance to survive. She was given life – and that is the best gift we can ask for. The Doctors don’t know if this will cure her. But she’s determined, the strongest person we know, and one day we will fight to raise awareness about Lyme disease – a devastating, debilitating illness caused by ticks that are the size of a PENCIL DOT that can change your life forever. We will post more when we can, but right now, we’re just trying to make it through each day.