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Story 138

How has Lyme Disease affected your life? What inspires you?

 I share many tools for transformation as I believe we are bio-individual. What works for one, may not work for another. 

Given my experience, research and state of disease, trial and error was the name of the game. This ultimately strengthened my intuition and shaped my life direction.  

When I discovered PSYCH-K® and Bee Venom Therapy, I felt I had a responsibility to share this magic medicine with others. I knew that people healing from a chronic illness could benefit from the powerful effects connecting mind, body and soul.

“Healing from Lyme teaches you how to unconditionally love yourself, others and how to stay in the vibration of love.” 

~About Adriana~

Adriana created an ebook called the “Beginner’s Guide to Bee Venom Therapy” detailing her journey and resources for getting started. She credits the honeybee for saving her life. 

Adriana is a PSYCH-K® Facilitator. P-K is a simple way to communicate directly with the subconscious mind, based on the biology of belief. This process allows us to transform and shift limiting beliefs and traumatic events within a matter of minutes. 

 To get the guide or book a 1:1 session, visit @somethinghealing

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