How has Lyme disease affected your life? What inspires you?
May is Lyme Disease awareness month. I wrote a huge article about it and Lyme brain that’s me — lost it in transmission. Basically I just want people out there who suffer and have suffered with Lyme and co infections to let you know I truly understand all of it. I am a 25 year Lyme disease survivor still not through it, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Covid-19 take me down. Stay strong, persevere through it, baby steps to recovery, be patient and know that you are loved. Prayers do work, I know that for a fact I’m living proof of them.
Lyme hit me when I was 40 years old, now I’m 65 thank the Lord for giving me this time to impress upon all of you the dangers of having Lyme disease. I’m not cured of it, but I am in control of it. Lyme disease does not have me—I have it. It hasn’t been a walk in the park by no means, but I am truly grateful for my life and that I am still here to help others who continue to battle it God bless.
My book Ticked Off was a huge undertaking for me to do while battling Lyme. My LLMD was the one who encouraged me to do this. As he eloquently told me, I am your doctor, I will do everything possible to save your life, but you Janet have to keep moving forward, don’t look back. You see he couldn’t be with me 7 days a week 365 days a year, so I started journaling everything, my feelings, my anger, sadness, why me, feeling sorry for myself, blaming others and blaming God for this happening to me. I wrote in 18 journals when I decided it was time to share my journey with others who were struggling. And how this turned out was amazing! I met so many beautiful people on my walk, the lives I touched with my stories profounds me today in 2020. What an amazing journey it was, it is and will continue to do so to help and inspire others to keep fighting the good fight to recovery.
I had 4 doctors who impacted my life and my recovery efforts: My LLMD, ND/Chiropractor, My MD and My Eye Doctor. But the most important Doctor as my “Father in Heaven”, the healer of all diseases. I fought the Lord tooth and nail, I was so ill and unable to do for myself, resisting Him, wanting to do it my way. It took a long time to accept Him into my life. Once I let Him inside, I depended on Him, more so than my own husband. My husband has been my hero through this journey, we have been married for 46 years coming this June I could have never lasted this long without him by my side. My daughters, granddaughter, my family, friends, and all of YOU out there who understand the complexities of living with Lyme disease.
God has taught me and continues to show me that in HIS timing, not my own, HE will heal me. In my book I wrote a poem about The Rugged Oak Tree, talks about strength and life’s purpose. This is what it’s all about while you are recovering, you must find ways to help yourself. Write down your thoughts, how you feel, etc.etc.etc.! Find an activity to do, color in coloring books, I have the most beautiful creative pictures by doing this, so what I’m 65 I like to color, lol. Even if you’re too weak to get up and move, just take one baby step everyday and before long you will have walked the length of your home. It’s hard to do — I know this, I was there once, but you will be so proud of yourself when you accomplish your goals. Before this Covid19 hit, I was going to a gym twice a week doing chair yoga and lifting weights. Now my body is fighting me again, they’re called setbacks, I’ve dealt with them before, but that won’t stop my zest to keep doing what I can and to move these limbs.
Talk, share your journeys with others, be a voice, laughter is so vitally important, music therapy, don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
I told my granddaughter, Monet, when she was 4 years old: Reach up, Little Child, touch the sky, see how GOD loves you and so do I. Don’t be afraid HE’s with you today, just kneel on your knees and Pray, Pray, Pray!
He is my lamp, my guiding light, I’m like a small sailboat blowing in the harsh winds on the sea, being tossed about but never losing sight of the land ahead of me, where my GOD will be reaching out to calm the seas, HE will guide me safely to shore!
God bless you all♥️
Click here to read the article.
“One of the nicest things in the world, is knowing someone cares.”